a few treasures found
I happened to remember that one day in April while we were visiting Great Grandpa and Great-Grandma Izetta, Aunt Marjorie and Aunt Rosemary were there and they took pictures!! So, yesterday I found these few treasures. I'm beginning to see a trend that I'm not fond of, as once again, my girls' hair-do's are not did! Their hair is so fine that it refuses to stay up in a barrette or rubber band, but I have found in the last week a new technique of rolling/twisting and pinning and it works wonders...perhaps, another post another day!!
But for now, here is my ole grandpa in his last days. Smile on his face. (sometimes the Parkinson's did not allow the smile - we saw more of 'the mask' as they call it, but most days he always found a smile) One of my favorite hymns is #47 - no matter good, mediocre, or bad day this hymn gives me comfort. And this past year, I could not sing the last verse without thinking of Grandpa.
Is there anyone can help us when the end is drawing near,
who will go through death's dark waters by our side?
Who will light the way before us and dispel all doubt and fear,
And will bear our spirits safely o'er the tide?
Yes there's One, only One:
The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the One!
When afflictions press the soul, when waves of trouble roll
And you need a friend to help you, He's the One.
This past January, Grandpa would come out to our house for the day. After lunch, I would put the girls down for their naps, get Grandpa in Dad's easy chair, put his feet up and then cover him up with a big blanket. Then, I would start playing the hymns on the piano. At first he would just hum along and soon enough, he was bellowing out the hymns by heart. I never would have known it was an 89 year old voice!! Anyways, this being one of my favorites, I would often play it for him and I loved hearing him sing that last verse. I'm so thankful again for his example (thankful for the example I had in both of my wonderful, Godly grandpas) and so thankful that they have taught me how to be... even to the end!!