Lawrenceville, GA

Medieval Times

so much fun!!

this was the much dust, but due to awesome seating in the front row :o)

theatrics :o)

we cheered for the Yellow Knight...
the boys Amber and I had with us were crazy:  AKA Nate and Dave
I'm pretty sure they thought we were at a football game and the Yellow Knight was dressed in Scarlet and Gray

the girls loved the front seat view of the horses all while eating our  6 course meal

as I was mentioning before... about our rowdy boys....we were encouraged to cheer for our knight and 'boo' the other colors...well, I'm pretty sure at one point my husband said to the black and red knight: "you stinketh of elderberries" and maybe another time "why don't you just walk your horse next time" [as he was trying to put his jousting stick through a hoop]  - that comment was returned with a 'why don't you get down here and get on the horse and try' from the red and black knight....I tried to keep him hushed after that!! 

it was a great show and the kiddos loved it.. the king and queen sat on the stage at the far end...there were lots of sword fighting and jousting games put on by the knights...

in the castle great room..of course my girls thought they were the princesses of the castle...


Anonymous said…
Pretty sure I just pee'd myself after reading Nate's comments to the horsemen!! HAHAHA!!

I didn't know the girls had already been to a horse show!! Very neat!
Unknown said…
Oh my yes, you must have married a Falb! That first picture reminded me of the time we went to that med evil festival, that was a fun day for sure!
Oh, and I LOVE the picture of you and Nate on the next post, you look beautiful as always:)

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