Christmas at Dad and Mom's
I'll admit it. I've tried several times to blog but just haven't 'felt' it. I hate how long the pictures take to load. I hate when I don't have a picture to load. Goodness, maybe I don't have all of my grouchies out of me yet today. hehehe (Nate might argue that most days I don't get my grouchies out) but anywho - onto our holidays....
We had a wonderful Christmas weekend at Dad and Mom's at Sharon. It was our first Christmas there at their new/old house :o) The first night there (even though we've stayed there a few times now) I kept saying "I'm not sure this feels like home yet?" However, by the next day while we were getting our Christmas dinner ready and playing games and opening up a few gifts - I decided that it could feel like home. All of us together (with the exception of Dave and Amber) felt like home. While we were making a ginormous chex mix, Nate and I and then Dad and Mom did an impromptu dance.. We were dancing in our sock and stocking feet on the hardwood floor gliding around while Addison and Kendra and Darren and Rebecca giggled at us. I'll have to find a video of that one for you.
Christmas morning we drove to Virgil and Stella's for a beautiful Sunday meeting. It was wonderful to all be together. Uncle Andrew and Aunt Holly came down Saturday evening, so we were able to be with them as well. That sure was special! Aunt Holly's birthday is on the 25th so we were able to celebrate it with her!!