Kendra had her 1st Birthday!!!

We've been so crazy since then that we haven't been able to catch up. Today is a rainy day and after receiving at least 5 emails from my sister saying, I quote "YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!", I decided to try and 'catch up'.

August 10th, 2010, our second daughter, Kendra Elizabeth turned 2!!! Grandpa Terry and Grandma Pat Falb, Uncie Jason, Aunt Christa, Cousins Olivia and Victoria Falb, Grampa and Gramma Badertscher, Uncie Dave Badertscher, and Great-Aunt Marjorie Badertscher came and helped us celebrate!! Her theme was hot pink and hot orange and swirls!! She loved her cake. No shyness there. She dove in right away and was covered within seconds. Of course, Nurse Mama took it away before we had a diabetic coma on our hands. :o) We ate picnic style outside and the kids played in the sprinkler and slipnslide, Daddy and Uncie Dave had set up. After opening lots of fun presents, nap times we in order for EVERYONE!!!!
Here is a video of our singing Happy Birthday to little Kendra!!


I love how Addison is watching her sister and listening to everyone and thinking "Kendra would you hurry up so I can have some?" Heehee. Too cute. Although, you say she turned 2?! Did I miss a whole year of her life?? YIKES! Thanks for the updates. We went to the mountains this weekend and I thought of you guys all the time thinking how much fun the girls would all have there together (adults too of course!) Come join us some time!!!

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